How To

Sep 3, 2024

You Want to Start Your Own Business but Haven’t Got a Good Idea?

business idea
business idea
business idea

Many successful founders have built their businesses by “scratching their own itch,” meaning they create solutions for personal problems that resonate with a larger audience. Here are some notable examples and insights into this entrepreneurial approach.

Successful Founders Who Scratched Their Own Itch

Ryan Hoover - Product Hunt:

Ryan Hoover created Product Hunt out of a personal need for a platform that showcased new products. Initially, he curated a simple newsletter to share interesting products with friends, which eventually evolved into the successful community and platform known as Product Hunt.

Michael Arrington - TechCrunch:

Michael Arrington started TechCrunch due to his frustration with the lack of quality, timely information about tech startups. His passion for technology and desire for reliable tech news led to TechCrunch becoming a major online publication.

Finding a problem that needs to be solved is crucial. Research from CB Insights shows that one of the top reasons for startups to fail is that they build something without market demand. But how do you go from inspiration to a viable business idea? Here are some tips that’ll help you generate and refine your business idea using proven methods, tools, and expert insights.

Tools and Resources to Brainstorm and Develop Your Idea


Finding relevant pain points is key to a successful business idea. GummySearch helps you search Reddit to identify problems people are actively discussing.


Monitor online discussions about specific products or problems to identify trending topics and validate potential business opportunities. The more people are talking about it online, the more likely there is an online demand for your solution.

Product Hunt

Discover new concepts and trends as people launch innovative products daily on Product Hunt. It’s a great source of inspiration especially when you are interested in the technology sector.


Once you have a business idea you would like to explore further, Miro is an excellent online collaborative platform perfect for iterating on concepts and visual brainstorming.

Google Trends

Evaluate the popularity of search terms related to your business idea using Google Trends. This provides insights into potential market interest and trending topics.

Bizway Business Idea Validator

This AI-powered tool evaluates your business idea against various factors and provides actionable recommendations for improvement.

Key Learnings from Thought Leaders


Inspired by “Made to Stick” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath Keep your business idea simple and easy to understand. Focus on the core value—what problem does it solve? Avoid overcomplicating; the best ideas are often those that can be explained in a single, memorable sentence. For example, Uber’s “tap a button, get a ride” perfectly captures its essence.

Clarity of Purpose

Brian Tracy in “Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want” Having a clear purpose aligns your business idea with your personal values and keeps you motivated. When generating ideas, ask yourself why this matters to you and the impact you want to create. A purpose-driven idea attracts like-minded customers and provides long-term direction.

Start with the Why

Simon Sinek’s “Start with the Why” Begin with the deeper reason behind your idea—your “why.” Understanding your “why” helps you connect emotionally with your audience and guides you towards creating solutions that resonate. For instance, if your “why” is to empower health, focus on ideas that promote wellness and support that mission.

Additional Sources to Inspire Your Business Idea

My First Million Podcast Database

Access a treasure trove of business ideas discussed in different podcast episodes, like My First Million Podcast. It’s a great resource for exploring actionable ideas. Check out the database here: My First Million Podcast Database

Practical Steps to Formulate Your Business Idea

Identify a Problem

Use GummySearch and Brand24 to find real-world problems that your idea can solve. Tackling a genuine issue increases your chances of success.

Brainstorm Solutions

Collaboratively brainstorm using Miro to generate potential solutions. Multiple perspectives can lead to more robust ideas.

Validate Your Idea

Test the feasibility and market interest of your idea using tools like the Bizway Business Idea Validator and Google Trends.

Criteria for a Solid Business Idea

Once you have brainstormed and identified a promising business idea using the tips and tricks mentioned, make sure to apply these criteria:

Articulation in One Sentence

Clearly define your business idea in one concise sentence. This exercise forces you to communicate your vision effectively and ensures clarity.

Feasibility Check

Ensure your idea is feasible within the current market and technological constraints. This involves realistic execution and consideration of necessary resources.


Formulating a strong business idea is crucial for your entrepreneurial journey. If you have found an idea that gets you excited, make sure to apply these criteria to ensure it’s worth it. Many successful founders have built their businesses by “scratching their own itch,” solving personal problems that they experience personally and also resonate widely.

By leveraging the tools and resources discussed, you can refine your concept and validate its potential. Explore the suggested platforms, podcasts, and validation tools to find and test your business ideas. Start your journey today and transform your inspiration into a solid foundation for a successful venture.

Lastly, consider leveraging our platform, Cocraft, which is designed to help you collaborate effectively on building out your business concept using these insights and tools. The tips and tricks in this blog post are the first step in the 88 steps you will go through in the Cocraft application to develop your idea into a launched business.